Past IFA Webinars

IFA Canada Webinars can be Government Roundtables, Young IFA Network (YIN) Sessions, Women of IFA Network (WIN) Events, or one-off talks providing updates on a current topic. Many of our webinars are open-access.

YIN Webinar July 20, 2023

Canada and Hong Kong – International Tax Systems & GAAR

Stephanie Dewey, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Canada
Kacy Lam, Associate, Oldham, Li & Nie Solicitors, Hong Kong

A jointpresentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN) Canada & Hong Kong

YIN In-Depth, May 16, 2023

Foreign Affiliate Income Recharacterization Rules

Samantha D’Andrea, EY Law LLP, Montreal
Jeremy Ho, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Vancouver

This session took place on May 16, 2023 at the 2023 IFA Canada International Tax Conference, in Calgary, AB.

YIN Session October 19, 2021

A Case Study in Canadian and Select European Controlled Foreign Company/Foreign Affiliate Rules

Charlotte Haarsma-den Dekker, Loyens & Loeff
Andrew Morreale, Baker McKenzie

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

YIN Webinar November 22, 2022

A Review and Assessment of GAAR from a European and OECD Perspective


Susi Baerentzen, Tax lawyer and Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Carlsberg Foundation, Amsterdam

Sarah Chiu, Tax Lawyer, Felesky Flynn LLP, Calgary and sessional instructor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

WIN Session May 27, 2022

The Sky is the Limit – A Conversation with Sophie Chatel, MP for the Pontiac constituency (Québec)

Toujours plus haut – Entretien avec Sophie Chatel, députée de Pontiac

Sophie Chatel, Députée de Pontiac / MP for the Pontiac constituency (Québec)

A Women of IFA Network (WIN) Canada Seminar

This video is available in English and French.

YIN In-Depth, May 16, 2022

Foreign Affiliate Dumping Rules

Shaira Nanji, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Calgary
Stephanie Dewey, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Toronto
Sam Li, EY LLP, Toronto

This session took place on May 16, 2022 at the 2022 IFA Canada Tax Conference, in Toronto, ON.

YIN Session October 19, 2021

A Case Study in Canadian and Select European Controlled Foreign Company/Foreign Affiliate Rules

Charlotte Haarsma-den Dekker, Loyens & Loeff
Andrew Morreale, Baker McKenzie

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

IFA Webinar August 25, 2021

Taxation On Blockchain: A Mexico, US and Canada Approach

Fernando Lujan, YIN Mexico
Victor Maldonado, YIN Mexico
Amanda Varma Pedvin, IFA US
Sean McElroy, YIN US
Ian Caines, YIN Canada
Laura Gheorghiu, IFA Canada

A Joint Young IFA Network (YIN) from the Canadian, Mexican and USA branches

WIN Session June 23, 2021

International Tax Compliance: A Perspective from the CRA

Isabelle Brault, Director, Competent Authority Services Division
Suzanne Saydeh, Manager, Tax Avoidance Division and Compliance Programs Branch Representative on the Treaty Abuse Prevention Committee
Alexandra MacLean, Director General, International and Large Business Directorate

Moderator: Kim Wood, PwC Canada, Calgary

A Women of IFA Network (WIN) Canada Seminar

Member-Only Access

IFA Webinar September 15, 2020

IFA Canada 2020 Roundtable Webinar

Nicolas Bilodeau, Manager, Income Tax Rulings Directorate International Division
Yves Moreno, Director, Income Tax Rulings Directorate International Division
Patrick Massicotte, MAP-Technical Cases Section, Competent Authority Services Division

Claire Kennedy, Bennett Jones LLP, Toronto 
Lynn Moen, CPA, CA, Enbridge Inc., Calgary 

Member-Only Access

YIN Session August 6, 2020

CRA Q&A Session: Cross-Border Tax Issues and COVID-19

Ted Gallivan, Assistant Commissioner, Compliance Programs Branch, Canada Revenue Agency
Randy Hewlett, Director General, Legislative Policy Directorate, Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch, Canada Revenue Agency
Alexandra MacLean, Director General, International and Large Business Directorate, Compliance Programs Branch, Canada Revenue Agency

Lindsay Gwyer, Stikeman Elliott LLP, Bhuvana Rai, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Kevin Yip, Fasken LLP

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

YIN Session June 4, 2020

Tax Court Settlement Conferences: a Judge’s Perspective

The Honourable Robert Hogan, Judge of the Tax Court of Canada

Brook Sittler, General Counsel, Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office, Tax Law Services Portfolio, Department of Justice

Margaret Nixon, Partner, Stikeman Elliott LLP

Monica Biringer, Partner, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

YIN Session May 14, 2020

Soft Law: a Judge’s Analytical Framework

The Honourable Robert Hogan, Judge of the Tax Court of Canada

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

YIN Session March 14, 2019

Transfer Pricing: Law and Practice

Sean McNama, Senior Director of Transfer Pricing, RSM Canada LLP, Toronto
Mark Tonkovich, Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Toronto

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

YIN Session June 13, 2018

Circling the Roundtable 2018

Simon Lamarche, PwC, Montreal
Shaira Nanji, KPMG Law, Calgary

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

IFA Webinar October 11, 2017

Permanent Establishment: Today and Tomorrow

Kirsten Kjellander,

Carolyn MacDonald,
Brian Arnold,
Canadian Tax Foundation

Ryan Walker,
McCarthy Tétrault LLP

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

IFA Webinar May 10, 2017

Circling the Roundtable

Sarah Chiu, Felesky Flynn LLP, Toronto
Angelo Nikolakakis, EY Law LLP, Vancouver

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

IFA Webinar October 19, 2016

Expansion of the Back-to-Back Rules

Andrew Spiro, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Toronto
Ilia Korkh, EY Law LLP, Vancouver

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

IFA Webinar May 3, 2016

Primer on Inbound Taxation Matters

Byron Beswick, Felesky Flynn LLP, Calgary
Sam Kwok, Ernst & Young LLP, Toronto/New York

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

IFA Webinar October 28, 2015

Regulation 102 and Regulation 105: Withholding Considerations and Solutions

Jeffrey R. Paisley, Deloitte, Calgary
Lindsay Gwyer, Stikeman Elliott, Toronto

A presentation of the Young IFA Network (YIN)

IFA Webinar November 6, 2014

Basics of Inversions for Canadians

Paul Seraganian, Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, New York
Marie-Emmanuelle Vaillancourt, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Montreal
IFA Webinar April 9, 2014

Back-to-Back Arrangements in a Cross-Border Context

Mathieu Champagne, Deloitte LLP, Vancouver
Nadia Rusak, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Montreal
IFA Webinar November 19, 2013

Basic Erosion and Profit Shifting: OECD Action Plan

Nicolas Bilodeau, Deloitte, Montreal
IFA Webinar April 4, 2013

Thin Capitalization: Present, Past and Future

John O’Connor, Stikeman Elliott LLP, Toronto
Jamie C. Mitchell, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Toronto
IFA Webinar November 7, 2012

The New Foreign Affialiate Dumping Rules

Jeff Oldewening, KPMG LLP, Toronto
Derek G. Chiasson, Norton Rose, Montreal 
IFA Webinar March 28, 2012

Upstream Loans: History, Current Proposals and Planning Ideas

Michael Kandev, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Montreal
Phil Halvorson, Ernst & Young LLP, Toronto