YIN In-Depth

Show me the Money:
Taxation of Employee incentives in Canada, US and Mexico

This session took place on May 14, 20234 at the 2024 IFA Canada International Tax Conference, that took place in Montreal, QC.

This video is open access, on behalf of the IFA Canada YIN Committee.

Show me the Money: Taxation of Employee incentives in Canada, US and Mexico

 A Young IFA Network (YIN) Presentation

A discussion on Canadian, Mexican and US tax considerations in granting incentive awards

Moderator: Graham P. Haynes, Stewart McKelvey, Saint John

Susana Avalos
, Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C, Mexico
Alexandra Carbone
, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Montréal
Nathan Swartz, PwC, New Jersey

YIN Rapporteur: Geneviève Favreau, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Montréal