Corporate Membership is offered to corporations, partnerships and associations that are not engaged in providing taxation, accounting, legal, trust company or similar services to third parties. Government agencies do not qualify.
- Attendance at IFA Canadian branch events at discounted rates for all Canadian resident employees in your organization
- Access for your organization to the secured part of the IFA Canada website ( containing a digital database of Canadian branch conference materials.
- Registration of two delegates for the annual Congress at a reduced rate;
- Two sets of the annual publications (“Cahier de Droit Fiscal International”) containing the General reports on the main subjects to be discussed at the Congress and all Branch reports; and
- Subscription to IFA’s monthly newsletter; and
- Two of your members will also be considered members of IFA Central, in addition to membership in IFA (Canadian Branch.) These two members will have access to the Individual Membership benefits of IFA Central.
The price of corporate membership for your company is $395 + applicable taxes*. This fee covers all Canadian resident employees in your organization.
*Provincial tax is based on the corporate billing address not the individual member’s address.