2022 IFA Canada Tax Conference
May 16-17, 2022
Metro Toronto Convention Centre & Webcast
YIN Welcome and Presentation
Foreign affiliate dumping rules
Stephanie Dewey, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Toronto
Sam Li, EY LLP, Toronto
Moderator: Shaira Nanji, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Calgary
Recent Transactions
Mathieu Champagne, Deloitte LLP, Montreal
Derek Chiasson, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP, Montreal
Ken Saddington, Goodmans LLP, Toronto
Gwen Watson, Torys LLP, Toronto
Moderator: Alex Pankratz, Baker McKenzie, Toronto
YIN Rapporteur: Kathryn Walker, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Toronto
Cross-Border Topics of Interest
Carrie Aiken, Blake, Cassels and Graydon LLP, Calgary
Christopher Anderson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Toronto
Nik Diksic, EY Law LLP, Montréal
Francesco Gucciardo, Aird Berlis LLP, Toronto
Moderator: Laura Gheorghiu, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP, Montréal
YIN Rapporteur: Samantha D’Andrea, EY Law LLP, Montreal
Tax Directors Roundtable
Alexander Chan, Investment Management Corporation of Ontario, Toronto
Larry Greer, Telesat Canada, Ottawa
Andrea Shreeram, Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto
Moderator: Lynn Moen, Enbridge Inc., Calgary
YIN Rapporteur: Vanessa Zuchetto, Felesky Flynn LLP, Calgary
There is no PowerPoint for this roundtable discussion.
Current Cases
Al Meghji, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Toronto
John Sorensen, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP, Toronto
Matt Williams, Thorsteinssons LLP, Toronto
Moderator: Margaret Nixon, Stikeman Elliott LLP, Toronto
YIN Rapporteur: Darren Joblonkay, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Toronto
Interest Deductibility and Hybrid Mismatch Rules
Byron Beswick, KPMG LLP, Calgary
Ken Buttenham, PwC LLP, Toronto
John Lorito, Stikeman Elliott LLP, Toronto
Sabrina Wong, KPMG LLP, Toronto
Moderator: Marie-Emmanuelle Vaillancourt, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Montréal
YIN Rapporteur: Bryan Madorsky, KPMG LLP, Toronto
Recent Canadian and International Developments
Mark Kaplan, EY LLP, Toronto
Patrick Marley, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Toronto
Stefanie Morand, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Toronto
Andrew Spiro, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Toronto
Moderator: Christopher Montes, Felesky Flynn LLP, Calgary
YIN Rapporteur: Taylor Cao, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Toronto
CRA Roundtable
Kim Brown, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Vancouver
Michael Kandev, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Montreal
Yves Moreno, Canada Revenue Agency, Ottawa
Please note that the questions and answers are not official and are subject to change until they are published by the Canada Revenue Agency.” The Q&As will be removed from the IFA website two weeks after the IFA conference (May 31, 2022).
Finance Roundtable
Phil Halvorson, EY LLP, Toronto
Kim Maguire, Bennett Jones LLP, Vancouver
Trevor McGowan, Department of Finance, Ottawa
Peter Repetto, Department of Finance, Ottawa
© International Fiscal Association (Canadian Branch) 2021. All rights reserved.