Accreditation – Using AI in your International Tax Practice


Accreditation information for Using AI in your International Tax Practice: a Seminar and Hands-on Workshop


Formation reconnue par le Barreau du Québec aux fins de la formation continue obligatoire, pour un maximum de 4 heures.

Training is recognized by the Barreau du Québec for up to 4 hours of professional development.


Ce programme est éligible jusqu’à 4 heures substantives. 
Selon la Law Society of Ontario, les heures substantives peuvent porter sur des sujets de droit substantifs ou de procédure et/ou des sujets connexes qui sont pertinents pour la pratique de l’avocat ou le para-juridique et pour le développement professionnel.

This program is eligible for up to 4 Substantive Hours.
According to the Law Society of Ontario, substantive hours may address substantive or procedural law topics and/or law related subjects that are relevant to the lawyer’s or paralegal’s practice and professional development.


Each attendee is responsible for submitting the program to the respective governing bodies for their state/country for approval.

This program is eligible for up to 4 Substantive / Educational Hours. An attendance letter can be provided.