The International Fiscal Association (IFA) is the only non-governmental and non-sectoral international organization dealing with fiscal matters. It comprises taxpayers, their advisers, government officials, members of the judiciary and university professors and is therefore a unique forum for discussing international fiscal questions.
The International Fiscal Association brings together more than 10,000 practitioners, tax officials and academics from 90 member countries, involved in and concerned with taxation of international transactions and the study of comparative tax systems. Based in Rotterdam, IFA, since its inception in 1938 has provided, in conjunction with the activities of each country branch, a blend of comprehensive research of international taxation and the development of programs and initiatives of current practical import.
The Canadian branch of IFA (with some 650 members) participates both directly and indirectly in the activities of IFA (Central) – the cornerstone of which is the programs and studies carried out in conjunction with the Annual Congress. The Canadian Branch also conducts seminars on current international tax developments and provides financial support to Canadian university-level studies of the subject.
The objects of the International Fiscal Association are the study and advancement of international and comparative law in regard to public finance, specifically international and comparative fiscal law and the financial and economic aspects of taxation.
IFA seeks to achieve these objects through its annual Congresses and the scientific publications relating thereto as well as through scientific research. Although the operations of the IFA are essentially scientific in character, the subjects selected take account of current fiscal developments and changes in national legislation.
IFA Canada achieves its objectives through attendance at the IFA Annual Congresses as well as through the provision of educational opportunities held nationally, including the annual Spring Conference, the Travelling Lectureship, and Spring and Fall Webinars.