Sofetil Hotel
1155 Sherbrooke St. West
Montréal QC
Reservations: 514-285-9000 or 514-289-1155
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Sofetil Hotel for Seminar attendees at a rate of $239 single or double plus applicable taxes. To receive the Seminar rate, please ask for group code IFA or for IFA 2010 Annual Seminar. All registrants are required to make their own accommodation arrangements directly with the hotel. Any unbooked rooms will be released for general sale April 18, 2010. The Hotel will continue to accept reservations from attendees, however after this date rooms will be subject to availability at prevailing rates.
IFA (Canadian Branch)
Tel: 613-531-8292
Fax: 613-531-0626
4 Cataraqui Street, Suite 310
Kingston ON K7K 1Z7